Adult 2024
Hover over the photo of the wrapped gifts to see the complete unboxing underneath!

Chasing Waves and Waterfalls
December Box
The Maui Effect by Sara AckermanPage 88: "'Iwa was acutely aware of how he tasted like coconut Chapstick and lime, and how badly she wanted more of him."
The included gift was a custom tube of coconut and lime flavored lip balm.
Page 98: "He held up his water bottle, the squirt kind, and said, "Open up, a little bird told me we need to hydrate our here and I haven't seen you take one sip yet.""
The included gift was a custom 20oz double-lined water bottle with a squeeze design and an image of a blue sky and palm trees on the inner line.
Page 177: "'Iwa was tempted to rip the binoculars out of his hands, when Manuel pulled out another pair and handed them to her."
The included gift was a pair of olive green binoculars with the words Explore More custom printed on the side.
Page 313: "For a moment, she put her umbrella down and turned her face up, opening her mouth and catching raindrops on her tongue. Ola i ka wai. Water is life."
The included gift was a custom designed sky-blue colored umbrella featuring Ola I Ka Wai Water is Life and a raindrop patter along the border of the umbrella.

The Fabric of Her Life
November Box
The Memory Dress by Jade BeerPage 60: "As I step inside, I immediately see a network of strings crisscrossing a wall to my left, and attached to it with tiny wooden pegs are a collection of images, many of them dress sketches with what look like locations scribbled in pencil on the bottom of each one."
The included gift was a custom beaded wooden wall hanging with clothespins and a set of nine exclusively created fashion sketches of some of Princess Diana's most famous dresses.
Page 144: "My note is short and simple. Am I doing the right thing? I scrawl, before I wedge the paper behind door number 8."
The included gift was a custom, adorable kit to set up your very own fairy door!
Page 264: "When she returns, she is holding the black bag in her hand. She sits back beside me and slowly unzips it to reveal its closely guarded contents to me for the first time: steel pins, a tightly rolled cloth tape measure..."
The included gift was a custom set of three zippered pouches - a large Essentials bag in black, a medium Self Care bag in green, and a small Bits & Bobs bag in orange. Also includes a mini sewing kit and mini pair of scissors.
Page 371: "I grab the packet of egg sandwiches I've made, add them to my tote bag with the red flask of tea, and head downstairs to Meredith's apartment."
The included gift was a custom 16oz red metal tumbler that has Positive Vibes Only printed on the side.

A Medieval Adventure
October Box
This Will Be Fun by E.B. AsherPage 125: "Concern vanquished the cheer in Vandra's expression. She set down her mug."
The included gift was a custom 15oz glass detailed mug with a golden spoon.
Page 180: "Beatrice opened the first page of the novel she'd carried in from the palace library. Romancing the Warlock King, read the heavy volume's cover."
The included gift was a custom dust jacket for Romancing the Warlock King over a mass market paperback edition of A Rogue to Remember.
Page 327: "He could smell her, the scent he would never forget. Something sweetened with secrecy, flowers opening in moonlight."
The included gift was a custom 50ml jasmine perfume bottle with a pink squeeze bulb atomizer.
Page 387: "Under his scents she loved - of dance sweat, of clear mornings - she noted the softest hint of roses. Her outlaw king of flowers."
The included gift was a custom 5.2oz rose-scented jelly wax candle featuring real roses.

They Were the Music
September Box
The Lightning Bottles by Marissa StapleyPage 91: "She went to Elijah's room and pulled on headphones, turned on L7 to drown out what was drifting up through the floorboards."
The included gift was a custom pair of wireless headphones with a black, purple, and red floral pattern.
Page 132: "Jane was hustled off to hair and makeup, but she wiped away the red lipstick they put on her and replaced it with the maroon-purple shade from the little golden tube that had belonged to Alice."
The included gift was a custom pink checkerboard-patterned makeup bag with a tube of maroon liquid lipstick inside.
Page 269: "Another flash of color in her frame of vision: Jane sees a green glass bottle shining from where it is tucked deep into the black sand."
The included gift was an 8oz green-blue bud vase.

Castle of Shadows
August Box
In the Lonely Hours by Shannon MorganPage 75: "The frame tumbled to the floor. She wasn't alone."
The included gift was a miniature gold magnetic picture frame. To replace, simply cut your image to size and place over the existing image from the front.
Page 88: "Edie switched on the light again and lay with the covers drawn up to her chin."
The included gift was a custom woven blanket (53 inches x 61 inches) featuring a vintage thistle pattern design.
Page 304: "But as she gazed into the Maundrell Red's dark heart, she felt its pull, its allure."
The included gift was a custom gold tone brooch pin featuring a large red stone.

Wrath of a Goddess
July Box
Daughters of Olympus by Hannah LynnPage 81: "This is the tunic I wore the night I met him. The night he died. I have the rest too."
The included gift was a blue and white sarong inspired by Eubouleus' Tunic, to be used as a beach cover-up, top, skirt, scarf, and more! The tag includes a QR code to a video that shows 10 fun ways to wear it.
Page 149: "The heat sinking into my muscles as I closed my eyes and absorbed the scents of lavender and thyme. I scrubbed my body clean."
The included gift was a 6oz jar of lavender body scrub, just as described in the book.
Page 263: "The cup Mnemosyne offered me was made of dented brass. The long stem worn so thin in the center it was a wonder it did not snap between my fingers. Filled to just below the brim, the liquid inside was as transparent as air."
The included gift was a custom 18oz gold hammered metal wine glass.
Page 326: "After adding thick rings of kohl around my eyes, I scrutinized the reflection that stared back from the mirror."
The included gift was a tube of felt-tip liquid black eyeliner.

Stranger than Fiction
June Box
A Novel Love Story by Ashley PostonPage 41: "The song on the radio ended, and the DJ came on with - Buzz buzz, Eloraton!"
The included gift was a light green bluetooth speaker inspired by vintage radios.
Page 162: "I grabbed the potholders and drained the spaghetti, and then put it back into the pot with the marinara sauce."
The included gift was a custom green over-the-sink colander that extends from 14in to 19in.
Page 215: "'Anders,' I began, but he led me toward the edge of the bell tower, and produced two pairs of earplugs from his pocket."
The included gift was a set of noise reduction headphones along with a carrying case with strap to loop onto a keychain or purse strap, one set of ear plug bases, and 3 sets of varying size ear plug caps.

Secret Laboratory
May Box
The Last Murder at the End of the World by Stuart TurtonPage 107: "He looks at the glass ball in his palm, which has a red hue and is about the size of an eyeball."
The included gift was an ice cube tray that makes 33 ice balls.
Page 192: "She's using a pair of tweezers to pluck an object from between two bent struts."
The included gift was a custom designed pair of tweezers printed with the colors inspired by the book cover. Features the phrase Oh, pluck it! on one side of the tweezers.
Page 264: "There's a knife block on the counter along with baskets for onions and garlic and a jug of olive oil with a wonky handle."
The included gift was a 17oz grey-blue ceramic olive oil jug with removable spout.
Page 279: "In the middle of the floor, placed so it will be seen, is one of Clara's carved birds."
The included gift was a custom set of 2 white salt and pepper shakers shaped like birds.

Modern Tudor Mystery
April Box
An Inconvenient Wife by Karen E. OlsonPage 10: "Kate tightened her grip on the phone and took a deep breath, the scent of the new leather in the limo rushing into her nose."
The included gift was a custom hanging air freshener for your car in the scent of leather and sandalwood.
Page 109: "The wide brim of a straw hat obscured her face, but she tilted her head a little so Kate could see the large dark sunglasses, the bright red lipstick."
The included gift was a custom beige and black toned sun hat.
Page 202: "She felt around and her fingers closed over one of the knives in the block."
The included gift was a custom 3 piece cheese knife set including a flat blade knife, cheese fork, and spade knife. Handles are made of wood.

Ship of Dreams
March Box
Sisters of Fortune by Anna Lee HuberPage 24: "'What's that for?' Alice asked, pointing to the green mesh bag hanging on the wall next to her bed.
The included gift was a custom set of 6 green mesh suitcase organizers - 3 packing cubes and 3 laundry pouches.
Page 140: "A steward helped her to wrap herself in a warm rug and fetched her a cup of hot bouillon, and soon she was immersed in the world of the Paris opera, where a phantom haunted its halls."
The included gift was a custom 4x6 metal book safe designed to look like a copy of The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston LeRoux. Features the mask and roses on the front cover, a spine with the title, and the quote 'If I am the phantom, it is because man's hatred has made me so. If I am to be saved it is because your love redeems me.' and the chandelier on the back of the tin.
Page 313: "She turned to adjust the blankets over her shivering mother."
The included gift was a custom 71inx47in faux cashmere blanket with faux leather straps.

Their Untold Story
February Box
The Women by Kristin HannahPage 120: "Frankie reached into her pocket and pulled out a felt-tipped marker and the small gray stone she'd been given by the young Vietnamese boy. It seemed like a lifetime ago that he'd pressed it into her palm."
The included gift was a custom 3.8 oz river rock soap with a clean and fresh scent.
Page 245: "They walked through the yard, across the street, and out to the beach, where three empty chairs and a portable ice chest waited for them."
The included gift was a custom 11x10x8 navy blue collapsible cooler with a pattern of yellow books. The quote on the front says Be the Best Version of Yourself.
Page 314: "Frankie rubbed lotion into her mother's dry hands."
The included gift was a custom 2 fl oz. bottle of calm lavender hand cream.
Page 453: "A dozen pins and patches decorated it, mementos her patients had given her, both from platoons and squadrons, even a happy-face pin and a peace symbol."
The included gift was a set of 3 custom waterproof vinyl stickers that each measure 2.5x2.5".

Defying the Ton
January Box
The Diamond of London by Andrea PenrosePage 21: "I drained the coupe in one long swallow and set it down atop the plinth."
The included gift was a custom set of two green-tinted coupe glasses that are 7" tall.
Page 51: "Diamond. I liked that. Very much, in fact."
The included gift was a custom diamond shaped bottle containing a light blue, vanilla bubble bath mixture.
Page 71: "His touch was light as he dabbed and rubbed the substance into my skin, shading my jaw, deepening the shadows under my eyes."
The included gift was a custom diamond highlighter compact.
Page 181: "I pushed the oak portal open and filled my lungs with the comforting scent of ink, paper, and leather."
The included gift was a custom pink ceramic 10.6oz candle labeled The Secret Library with scents of ink, paper, and leather.