Halloween Boxes
Hover over the photo of the wrapped gifts to see the complete unboxing underneath!

Magic Halloween Box
2024 Edition
The Spellshop by Sarah Beth Durst
Page 24: "Half the towel was black when she finished, and she realized it was soot from the burning city."
The included gift was a custom 20in x 27.5in multicolored floral tea towel.
Page 54: "Cracking the eggs, he whisked them and poured them into the pan."
The included gift was a custom wireless hand mixer with a whisk, 3 power modes, and a charging cable.
Page 164: "Carrying the basket of pine cones, Kiela scooted out into the garden."
The included gift was a custom set of two pinecone-shaped candles in a straw basket.
Page 230: "Bryn lifted her teacup. "To the Pine Cone Society.""
The included gift was a custom pink teacup and saucer with a pinecone pattern, plus a gold spoon. The inside of the teacup says To The Pine Cone Society.
Page 263: "Kiela was sweeping the floor when she heard voices drift through the open window - familiar voices, talking as they approached..."
The included gift was a small decorative straw hand broom.

Mischief Halloween Box
2024 Edition
What Have You Done? by Shari Lapena
Page 61: "Paula finds her daughter in the kitchen, cutting up an apple."
The included gift was a custom 12in x 8in custom printed, tempered glass cutting board featuring a black smoke effect and the words In the end, we all become stories at the bottom.
Page 289: "She's staring at the back of a phone case - one she recognizes immediately."
The included gift was a custom red glitter phone grip with a quote by Emily Dickinson: Tell all the truth but tell it slant.
Page 295: "I tried to lift my head and saw him pull a jump rope off the living room doorknob and I thought, in disbelief..."
The included gift was a custom digital jump rope set that includes jump rope handles, jump rope, weighted balls, 2 eyelet attachments, and 2 cap attachments. Workout stats are tracked within the handles.
Page 302: "As she turned away to go to the door, he hit her with the only thing he had in his hands - his big, heavy, hardcover copy of Moby Dick - and she dropped to the floor."
The included gift was a custom printed book safe featuring cover artwork from Moby Dick by Herman Melville. Inside the front cover, readers will find a locking, three-digit safe.

Sweet Halloween Box
2023 Edition
My Roommate is a Vampire by Jenna Levine
Page 121 "I fidgeted with the purse strap to disguise how rattled I was." - a custom designed coffin-shaped crossbody purse.
Page 125 "He'll have a Galaxy-sized 'We Are Vivacious.' I'll have a Moon-sized 'We Are Empowered,' with extra foam." - a black cauldron mug.
Page 143 "I opened the box. Inside was a set of forty-eight beautiful colored pencils, ranging in colors from pale pink to a blue so dark is twas nearly black." - a set of twenty-four high quality colored pencils.
Page 336 "The ring that lay nestled within the black-velvet box had a blood-red ruby in its center that was the size and general shape of a dime..." - a beautiful black and ruby ring.

Spooky Halloween Box
2023 Edition
Hemlock Island by Kelley Armstrong
Page 15 "She's comparing sneakers with Madison, who's wearing her "October specials"- a pair of horror-themed Vans." - a set of two pairs of custom designed shoelaces.
Page 53 "There's blood on the pillow. Blood and a hank of hair...with a torn chunk of scalp still attached to it." - a set of two halloween themed pillowcases.
Page 92 "Kit grabs a battery-operated lantern and shines it around the gloom." - a battery-operated hanging lantern.
Page 145 "When Kit spots something, it's a piece of fiberglass with looping script on it. A single word: 'Wicked.'" - a custom designed plexiglass hanging sign that said 'Something Wicked This Way Comes'.

Sweet Halloween Box
2022 Edition
The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches by Sangu Mandanna
Page 69 "Mika revealed eight small vials, each labeled of course." - a set of six essential oils.
Page 77 Sitting cross-legged on the floor with everything laid out around her, she opened her spellbook to a blank page, bit the end of her pencil, and brainstormed some ideas. - a hardcover edition of The Witch's Cookbook recipe book.
Page 146 "The smaller of her two cauldrons was still bubbling and she gave it a stir, tapping the silver spoon against the side of the cauldron." - a set of three cauldron bath bombs and an embossed silver spoon.
Page 260 "She packed one more thing: a silver key, taped to the inside of a copy of Sense and Sensibility, Primrose's favorite book." - a faux book containing a silver key bottle opener.

Spooky Halloween Box
2022 Edition
Just Like Home by Sarah Gailey
Page 26 "She bumped the lightswitch with the fist that held the screwdrivers and the overhead fixture blazed to life. The shadow stayed." - an inter-changable screwdriver set.
Page 45 She pulled out lengths of it, hand over hand, like climbing a rope in gym class... - an oversized woven black spiderweb decoration.
Page 67 "She held the thermos over the countertop and shook it hard from side to side until the little cylinder of paper stopped catching on the inside of the lip." - a green metal thermos with a ghost and spider pattern. (hand wash only)
Page 190 "She tightened her grip on the quilt, and the pull on the fabric grew stronger. She listened to the hush of the fabric against floorboard as it slithered beneath the bed." - a woven ouija board themed blanket. (hand wash only)

Sweet Halloween Box
2021 Edition
Midnight Spells Murder by Mary Angela
Page 14 "She shook Zo's hand. 'It's good to meet you. Thanks for having me. I need that sign on the door.' Zo pointed to the display of signs: Not All Witches Live in Salem." - a custom designed, metal sign featuring the quote Not All Witches Live in Salem.
Page 46 "Nikki opened the case and took out the necklace. 'It's beautiful.' She turned it over in her hands, reading the engraving on the back. The crescent moon fit perfectly around the sun, the 'Zo' and 'elle' making one word." - a silver moon and sun necklace set.
Page 55 "She'd watched a show on master pumpkin carvers and ordered special stencils and knives for the project. Zo loved the picture, which was a combination of leaves, acorns, and the words FALL IN LOVE WITH YOUR LIFE." - a securely bound set of pumpkin carving tools and a series of carving templates.
Page 122 "Hattie stomped over to her desk wearing a shirt that read THE PAST, THE PRESENT, AND THE FUTURE WALKED INTO A BAR. IT WAS TENSE." - a t-shirt (8 sizes available) in a random color featuring the quote from the novel.

Spooky Halloween Box
2021 Edition
The Haunting of Leigh Harker by Darcy Coates
Page 83 "Lightning encompasses my home, flashing through every gap in the curtains and under every door, and the under's reverberations run through my veins, vibrating my atoms, and I feel as though I am disintegrating. I loosen my fist and a cascade of pale salt pours free." - a jar of Whispering Forest, Natural Bath Salt.
Page 89 "A hinge groans as the door at the end of the hallway drags open. I feel for the flashlight in my pocket, but I no longer need it. A candle lights the darkest reaches of the hall. Bloodred and clasped between interlaced fingers. The intruder emerges from its darkened room." - a white pillar candle with blood dripped wax on the sides.
Page 301 "The foreign sound is louder. It's not dead branches. And it's not rain. It's voices. Coming from near my bed. A small red light flashes there, standing out among the shadowed shapes. The radio is switched on." - a die-cut radio bookmark with a QR code to the sounds of the novel.
Page 314 "First, he wiped the knife on his jeans, then tucked it back into his belt with shaking hands. Then he reached for the quilt on my bed. It went around my body like a colorful shroud." - a custom designed, muslin blanket quilt in muted tones. (hand wash only)

Spooky Halloween Box
2020 Edition
The Haunting of Ashburn House by Darcy Coates
Page 14 "It might have been an argument. Adrienne lowered Wolfgang to the porch and tore open the envelope containing her key. The key slid into its hole below the door handle. The metal, stiff and rusted, screeched as she turned it, then a second later, a quiet click told her the door was unlocked. - a set of heavy, wrought-iron skeleton keys.
Page 253 "But she couldn't stop herself from turning toward the next painting. Edith. There was no terror in the child's face, only a flat, cold focus. She stared directly ahead, intense attenion squared on the observer, the muscles in her face tight but not from fear. The painted eyes blinked. - a canvas painting of Edith.
Page 273 "Adrienne shoved the window open and reached the magnifying glass outside. She then pointed the flashlight at the magnifier so that its beam passed through the glass." - a magnifying glass bookmark and a small, custom printed flashlight.
Page 329 "She wouldn't have noticed if she hadn't been listening, but Adrienne caught the faint creat of shifting wood and saw the empty chair beside her shift a fraction of an inch. The woman in the mirror folded her hands tidily in her lap and smiled as Adrienne opened the novel and began to read aloud." - a copy of Dracul by Dacre Stolker and J.D. Barker.
images by @The_Bookish_Runner

Sweet Halloween Box
2020 Edition
15 Minutes of Flame by Christin Brecher
Page 204 "Enjoying the house as much as I did, I had brought a candle clock with me from the store for an authentic experience. When my work was done, I curled up in bed with my candle-by-the-hour set for thirty minutes. When my candle hit the half-hour mark and extinguished, I gasped. - a rose gold candlestick, plus book pins to create a falling candle clock (where the pins fall out of the candle as it melts).
Page 240 "As I took a sip from my glass, my eyes fell upon Leigh's bag. Specifically, I noticed a coffee cup from The Bean, shoved into a side pocket. What I found interesting, however, was a marking on its side: HN. - a book-themed bamboo coffee cup (hand wash only), with a HN sticker on the top.
Page 283 "Only one person would have known the story was false, and that person would turn to the person who had fabricated the tale. That person would also need cash, and quick, to fund a life on the lam, pulling cobwebs off our man." - a cobweb designed tablecloth.
images by @The_Bookish_Runner

Sweet Halloween Mini Box
2019 Edition
Page 135 Miranda steps forward with a garment box and Astrid opens it. She pulls out a pink cashmere cape. THE pink cashmere cape. She wraps it around me. It's the softest, most luxurious thing I've ever worn. - the Glamour Girls' pink cashmere cape, turned pashmina.
Page 162 I dip a finger in the jar and spread the warm, slick mixture onto my face. It's immediately soothing. I spread it over my eyelids, down my cheekbones, over my lips, along my chin. Soon my whole face is covered and it feels fabulous. - a custom made jar of the Glamour Girls ME FIRST mud mask.
images by @The_Bookish_Runner

Spooky Halloween Mini Box
2019 Edition
Page 184 In the ghostly glow of the while marble, a figure stood at his sink - the shape of a girl. Myron stopped breathing, frozen in the doorway. Bare legs. Long pale hair. White gauzy slip. A wisp of smoke. "Margot?" he whispered. - the white silken and lace robe worn by the figure in this moment, sprayed with the vanilla perfume that hung where she did.
Page 228 The dull tink tink tink of a glass wine bottle sliding against the concrete floor pried oepn Hunter's eyes. The room was cold and dark. Too dark. - a wine bottle reminscent of the one tinking throughout this scene, filled with a custom made bubble bath liquid.
images by @The_Bookish_Runner

Halloween Box
2018 Edition
Page 86 "I headed over to join the other writers. On my way past the bar I spotted the painting that caught my attention on my first visit here. The woman in red, beckoning onlookers into the trees." - a custom designed canvas painting inspired by the Red Woman painting from the book.
Page 165 "Disappointed, I left the hut - and glimpsed a figure on the far side of the field, directly opposite the spot where I'd entered the clearing. Beyond this field was another part of the woods. The person vanished into the trees. They had been wearing a red coat." - a red cloak with fur trim.
Page 255 "'What is this?' Julia asked. I moved behind her and looked over her shoulder, staring at the lines and curves, the crosses and squiggles on the sheet of paper. 'It's a map,' Ursula said. 'I drew you a map.'" - a custom designed map as described in the book.
Page 303 "She swung the hammer at the wall. It went through like the wall was made of cardboard. Shards of thin plaster landed at my feet. Julia swung again, working at the gap with the head of the hammer to create a large hole." - a custom designed, multipurpose hammer with a set of screwdrivers in the shaft.
images by @The_Bookish_Runner