Young Adult 2019
Hover over the photo of the wrapped gifts to see the complete unboxing underneath!

Music of the Sea
December Box
Songs From the Deep by Kelly PowellPage 75 "I pause. I'd come here with a mind set on taking the ferry, but that's time and money I'd rather not spend. Snapping my umbrella shut, I jab him with the pointed end. "I'm not paying you."" - a custom-designed, purple umbrella in a rain drop design.
Page 140 "As we walk, he pulls out his pocket watch, checks the time, and rubs his thumb over the face of it before tucking it away." - a pocket watch with fish surrounding the exterior face closure.
Page 194 "It's there, against the heavy morning silence, that I hear muffled bars of music playing. I follow the tune over to Jude's bedroom. It takes only a moment for me to place it. I recognize this music: slow and mechanical, off-key and dolorous. It's the tune of Emmeline's old music box." - a custom-designed music box with waves engraved on the sides and a lighthouse engraved on the inside cover. The music included was "La valse d'Amélie".
Page 228 "Yet it's not only my violin, bow, and rosin I find inside. A slip of paper, crumpled and a little ripped, lies atop the cloth covering my violin. I take it in hand, frowning. It's the flyer I'd pinned in the schoolhouse, an advertisement of my tutoring. Near the bottom of the page, however, are words I hadn't written. A shiver runs over me as I read them." - a recreation of the violin lesson flyer with the addition of the chilling message scrawled across the bottom.
images by @The_Bookish_Runner

Magical Roots
November Box
A Constellation of Roses by Miranda AsebedoPage 38 "So maybe it's another mistake in my long list of mistakes, but I reach past her, like I'm going to set the stick of butter on the shelf, letting my hand brush against her neck, just barely. When i pull back after setting down the stick of butter on the shelf, I open my hand. I'm holding her owl necklace, coiled in my palm, the chain still warm from her skin." - Ember's owl necklace.
Page 116 "Ember pulls off her long, bohemian-looking scarf and dangles it out to me." - a beautiful multi-colored, bohemian-looking scarf.
Page 177 "When we enter the house, the spicy scent of ginger hits me immediately. Auntie is brewing a pot of tea. "Come here," she calls from the kitchen. "I'm trying this new ginger-jasmine tea. I think we could offer it at the shop. "No," I say immedaitely, taking a step back. All I can think of is Mrs. Yang at the Jasmine Dragon, carrying a fresh pot of ginger-jasmine tea to the elderly couple who came every Wednesday to their restaurant." - an exclusive ginger-jasmine tea blend created by Call Me Sweetea
Page 312 "I recall the pastels in the desk drawer under the left eave that I stole from the supply cabinet in the art classroom on my first day of school. I dig around until I find them. I slide open the box. Slim sticked of dark ruby, violet, emerald, tangerine, gold, gray, black, and brown. I know exactly what to do with them. The first dark-amethyst rose is nearly the size of my hand, and I stand on my bed while I draw it out on the sloped ceiling. And the next is smaller, the size of my palm in a bright ruby red. Another, large in sapphire blue." - a beautiful set of pastels in the colors Trix used in her bedroom.
images by @The_Bookish_Runner

There is no Path to Happiness. Happiness is the Path.
October Box
The Fountains of Silence by Ruta SepetysPage 1 "They stand in line for blood. June's early sun blooms across a string of women waiting patiently at el matadero. Fans snap open and flutter, replying to Madrid's warmth and the scent of open flesh wafting from the slaughterhouse." - an exclusive, custom-designed paper fan.
Page 19 "A brass medallion hangs from the child's neck by a white string. Puri turns the pendant over and runs her thumb across the engraving. 20 116." - a small floral coin purse containing a custom-designed tiny gold pendant on a white cord engraved with 20 116.
Page 66 "He removes a portfolio from his bag. Miguel slowly turns the pages of the album. "Ave Maria Purisima!" He points to a picture. "Si," says Daniel. "There was a tornado in Dallas last April." Miguel continues to page through. He stops on a photo of dozens of men in cowboy hats. They stand in the dark, one light overhead." - a custom-designed photo album featuring two of Daniel's photographs of the tornado and the men in cowboy hats on the first two pages.
Page 442 "She nods, choking back tears, and reaches into her purse. She hands a photograph to Daniel. "This is Lali." Daniel looks at the photo. It's not Lali. It's his sister, Cristina." - a custom-designed wallet wristlet containing a photograph of a beautiful teenager from the mid-1970s.
images by @The_Bookish_Runner

The Underground Library
September Box
Suggested Reading by Dave ConnisPage 48 "I sat down in a flustered huff, attempting - but failing - to not be distracting as I pulled a pen and a notebook from my backpack." - a custom designed "Catcher in the Rye" spiral bound notebook to represent one of the banned books emphasized in the novel.
Page 200 "I walked by the SPA fence, it and the lamppost still busted and bent, the tap dance of rain on my jacket increasing in speed and sound." - a custom designed rain poncho with the quote "She gathered books like clouds and words poured down like rain."
Page 357 "I need to go write my speech." Both my parents looked at me. Eyes wide as plates. "Clara, the dinner starts in ten minutes," Mom said." I stood, grabbed a pen from my mom's purse and a handful of cocktail napkins from the hors d'oeuvres table, and rushed to the closest bathroom." - a custom designed pack of cocktail napkins and a custom pen with the quote "Books are wild things. You can't tame them." written on the side.
images by @The_Bookish_Runner

A Whole New World
August Box
The Stolen Kingdom by Bethany AtazadehPage 23 "I paused, letting go of my skirts. "What could possible be so important that it can't wait until I've had a hot meal?" I ignored his thoughts about my deep blue dress and the strip of skin it revealed at the smallest part of my waist. Lifting my hands, I let the dozens of silver bracelets clink together noisily to catch his attention." - a custom designed set of three silver bracelets, inspired by what Arie wears in this scene. Each bracelet is engraved with a specific law of Jinn as written by the author in the book.
Page 37 ""Why don't you hear me?" I cried after him as he rounded the corner. He didn't respond. He couldn't. I swallowed back tears, holding onto that thought. It wasn't his choice. He didn't mean to leave me alone. It wasn't his fault. Backing away from the table, I ran to my rooms before anyone could see me cry. He couldn't help me. He couldn't even help himself. I went to bed that night wide awake, ignoring the teardrops trailing down my cheeks and hitting my pillow as I wracked my mind for a solution. A way out. I'd do anything - absolutely anything - besides marry the king of lies." - a rust and navy, custom-designed, geometric pillowcase similiar to one Arie may have had in her bedroom in this powerful scene.
Page 159 "I shified on the hay bale, when Bosh got up and plopped down onto the bale beside me. He dug into his pack, pulling out a smaller one. My heart skipped a beat. It was my stolen bag!" - a custom designed two-toned drawstring backpack, inspired by the pack Arie had stolen from her in the earlier chapters but brought to life at the moment it was given back to her.
Page 256 "Swallowing hard, I set my bag on the table and loosened the drawstrings. I pulled out my crown. Even in the moonlight the diamonds glittered. It might cost more than the lamp, but I knew it wasn't enough. I chewed my lip. Was there any way Gideon might follow me? And if he did, would he let me ask for help before he punished me? Turning to Kadin's bag, I set the crown inside where the lamp had been. It would serve as both a note and a payment for my theft." - a beautiful sparkling headband inspired by Arie's crown.
images by @The_Bookish_Runner

Not All Those Who Wander are Lost
July Box
Girls of July by Alex FlinnPage 265 "I could carry something," Britta said. "I mean, if you-" "I'm not an invalid!" "Sorry." Britta slung her backpack over her shoulder and strode toward the trailhead." - a gorgeous, custom, multi-pocket fabric backpack.
Page 319 "Spider tossed two scrapbooks onto Britta's bed. One, Britta had seen before. The other, she hadn't. "Jackpot." They looked through them. The first, of course, was photos, programs, theater stuff. The other was full of handwritten letters." - a letter pulled from the pages of the book.
Page 422 "The tires shrieked again as she made another right. The space beside the truck was empty, and she pulled into it. The bumper sticker on the car definitely had a moose on it. It said, "Not all those who wander are lost." She hoped all was not lost." - a custom designed decal sticker as described in the book.
Page 465 "Britta said, "We said that first morning that the one thing we all had in common was pierced ears. I think we've discovered some other things, but I'd like to give you these. My grandmother got them when she was a little girl in Cuba." Spider looked touched but said, "I can't take these." It's a loan. You have to give them back next time we see each other. That way, we'll be sure to do it." "Oh, cool." Spider felt her own earlobes. She wore the same earrings she'd had on tht first day, the Big Dipper in one ear, a star in the other. "You can have these. I got them for my bat mitzvah." "Thank you, but I'm wondering if maybe someone else should have them. She looked at Kate and Meredith. She hoped this would work." - a custom designed set of four earrings as each girl trades with each other; Britta's tiny gold hoops, Spider's Big Dipper and star set, Meredith's garnet studs and Kate's cluster of blue stones.
images by @The_Bookish_Runner

Flavors for the Soul
June Box
With the Fire on High by Elizabeth AcevedoPage 91 "'Buela pulls out the herbs that she gets directly from el campo in Puerto Rico and sets them on the counter. The sweet-smelling yerba buena, the Caribbean oregano. She hands me the knives before I ask for them, cleans the cutting board before I realize I need it rinsed." - an exclusively designed cutting board.
Page 170 "I close my eyes. This cannot be what he's calling me about. Why does he have people in my neighborhood checking for me anyway? Furthermore, what business is it of his? Especially if Babygirl didn't even meet Malachi? I ball up the dish towel but after a glance at 'Buela, smooth it out. I don't want her to see I'm upset." - an exclusively designed dish towel.
Page 263 "I bake her a dozen colorful macarons. It took me forever to get them right, nbut when Angelica opens the bakery box and sees the orange, blue, and pink desserts, I'm glad I kept trying batch after batch." - a set of six macaron trinket boxes.
Page 383 "And so, I pulled up the card Chef Ayden's friend gave me at the Winter Dinner. The one from the fancy restaurant 'Buela and I went to. I've had it on my armoire since December, with no reason to keep it, but something wouldn't let me throw it away." - a custom-designed business card from Cafe Sorrel.
images by @The_Bookish_Runner

The Glass Slipper
May Box
Stepsister by Jennifer DonnellyPage 7 ""Pack a trunk," she barked at a servant. "I'll need quills and ink..." Her hand hovered over the bottles upon the table. She selected a deep ebony." - a feather quill and ink set.
Page 144 "She picked up a gown off the floor, and a pair of shoes, and clutched them to her chest. Then she lifted her heavy mirror off its hook on the wall. The gown and shoes fell to the floor as she did. She lost her grip on the mirror. It toppled forward, pinning her to the floor." - an ornate wall mirror in varying colors.
Page 204 "The large mouse came forward. He took off his crown with both paws and held it out to Isabelle. Note sure what else to do, Isabelle took it from him, then held it up to her lantern. A small cry escaped her as she saw that it wasn't a crown, not at all. It was a gold ring." - a gold ring with a small purple stone embedded in it.
Page 261 "He was clutching a small piece of paper, folded over several times. Isabelle took it from him and unfolded it. Swirls and curlicues of gold ink decorated the border. In the center was an invitation, written in swooping script." - The invitation from Chance inviting Isabelle to his performance, An Illustrated History of the World's Greatest Military Commanders.
images by @The_Bookish_Runner

The Case of the Reclusive Writer
April Box
Serious Moonlight by Jenn BennettPage 221 "Aunt Mona - dressed as a 1960s Mad Men secretary, complete with tangerine wig, typewriter nail decals, and cat-eye glasses on a beaded chain - took her boxy Keep on the ferry and drove us to pick up Daniel there." - a small, white polka-dotted coin purse, containing two sheets of typewriter nail decals and an eyeglasses necklace.
Page 258 "I rummaged through my desk drawer until I found what I was looking for: the not-a-penny fortune-teller card I'd gotten with Daniel at the magic shop." - a leather, bookish luggage tag with the not-a-penny fortune card inside.
Page 403 "I went back to locker twenty-seven and stuck the key inside the padlock. Success! I popped the lock, opened the locker, and peered inside. Empty. No, wait. Something sat on the shelf. A book. A single yellow sticky note on the cover read Birdie in neat handwriting. I peeled it off and stared at the peach cover of an old Agatha Christie paperback - The Body in the Library. I'd read it many times. I inspected the book, thumbing through the pages. A receipt fluttered out. It was purchased at the mystery book shop in Pike Place Market. This morning. The name of the clerk who range up the purchase was circled in red ink - Holly. Three red question marks were written above it." - a copy of The Body in the Library by Agatha Christie with the sticky note on the cover and the replicated receipt inside.
images by @The_Bookish_Runner

Goddess of World War I
March Box
Lovely War by Julie BerryPage 31 "He crossed East India Dock Road and came to Kerbey Street, which led to his uncle's flat. He glanced at the theatrical playbills and navy recuitment banners. When the signposts reveal that Kerbey Street had met Grundy, he stopped." - a vintage Orpheus playbill poster.
Page 386 "He then handed her Frank's little singed prayer book. When she saw it, she sobbed. "Frank showed me your picture more than once," he said, opening to where it was. "He was very proud of you and your son." She took the tiny book and pressed it to her heart." - a small leather bound notebook with a photo of a woman and her child on the first page.
Page 410 "As the train approached the depot near Soissons, Hazel borrowed a mirror and comb from Colette to neaten herself up. She was too excited to feel the heat." - an antique, jeweled hand mirror and comb set.
Page 431 "Hazel couldn't even scold him for the joke. Her mind reeled. On her bureau at home stood a little china trinket dish. Inside, hidden to the world, lay the golden ring." - a custom printed jewelry dish printed with a quote from the book, "Love is Stronger than War" and a dainty gold ring.
images by @The_Bookish_Runner

French Revolution Magic
February Box
Enchantee by Gita TreleasePage 44 "Under his rumpled coat, the thready gleam of his watch chain - the watch itself pawned years ago, was strangely bare." - a silver chain bookmark clip.
Page 89 "A minature had tumbled out of its folds and lay on the floor. It was so small she could have enclosed it between her forefinger and thumb. Set in a frame of false diamonds, a woman gazed out at Camille with blue, wide-set eyes that could have been Sophie's. Above her rouged cheecks her hair was tightly coiled and powded, fat rubies gleaming around her neck. Her crimson lips were parted as if she were about to speak." - a minature pendant charm to be clipped on the clasp of the bookmark clip.
Page 180 "In her silk purse she carried Chandon's pink card that gave her entrance into the queen's sanctuary at the Petit Trianon, but she never showed it." - a deep eggplant toned clutch bag with crystal details. Inside is the pink invitation from Chandon.
Page 360 "Tucked between the glass and the frame of the mirror above Sophie's dessing table was a letter." - a replicated letter pulled directly from the story.
Page 392 "Camille curved her hand around the teardrop brooch pinned on her shoulder, the one she used to draw blood for the glamoire. "This? It's been in my family for a long time."" - a teardrop, crystal brooch pin replicated from the one Camille wears throughout the novel.
images by @The_Bookish_Runner

The Medusa Effect
January Box
The Cold is in Her Bones by Peternelle van ArsdalePage 84 "Milla closed her eyes, lulled by the light pressure of Mamma's fingertips holding her head in place, while the comb gently tugged on the roots of her hair, then traveled down, sometimes pausing on a tangle." - a carved, wooden comb.
Page 97 "She took off the apron that she hadn't stopped to hang on its hook in the kitchen. She wouldn't wear it anymore. She let it fall." - a custom printed apron that reads "Don't Quit Your Daydream".
Page 198 "Milla kept her hands moving - needle through fabric, needle through fabric - and her eye on her work." - a small floral box, containing all the contents of a travel sewing kit.
Page 275 "Milla smiled, reaching out for a plump, red apple hanging from a low branch." - an apple shaped candle.
images by @The_Bookish_Runner