Meet Contestant #7, a Thriller featuring a deserted island!
Genre: Thriller
# of Pages: 416
Birthday:ย May 4th
Tropes: No Way Out, Misplaced Trust, Secrets & Lies
About Me: I love to spend time on my isolated island enjoying a good movie. Though watch out for storms!
The first words they'll say to you (a snippet from the first page):
She was perched on the rock like a siren the first time I saw her, face upturned to the sun, copper skin wet with sea spray. Her toes dangled languidly into the mottled azure water while palm fronds fluttered overhead, casting pom-pom shadows on the powdered sugar sand.
*Also includes a limited edition bookmark!
Speed dating with a book is my favorite speed dating. I would have missed out on a great book if not for this one.
Never heard of the book, happy to add the to my library and read it